Musician's Focal Dystonia Recovery for String Players: The #1 Source of My Dystonic Symptoms Nora KrohnDecember 12, 2021Comment
5 Tips for Overcoming a Playing-Related Injury, #5: You Are Not (Just) Your Playing Nora KrohnDecember 5, 2021Comment
5 Consejos para atravesar una lesión de músico, #5: No sos (solamente) tu capacidad de tocar Nora KrohnDecember 5, 2021Comment
5 Tips for Overcoming a Playing-Related Injury, #4: Be Open to Finding the Root of the Problem Nora KrohnNovember 22, 2021Comment
5 Consejos para atravesar una lesión de músico, #4: Abrite a encontrar la raíz del problema Nora KrohnNovember 22, 2021Comment
5 Tips for Navigating a Playing-Related Injury, #3: Know You're Not Alone Nora KrohnNovember 7, 2021Comment
5 Tips for Navigating a Playing-Related Injury, #2: Recovery Includes Self-Care Nora KrohnOctober 29, 2021Comment
5 Consejos para atravesar una lesión de músico, #2: La recuperación include el cuidado personal Nora KrohnOctober 29, 2021Comment
5 Tips for Navigating a Playing-Related Injury, #1: Be an Informed Advocate for Yourself Nora KrohnOctober 22, 2021Comment
5 Consejos para atravesar una lesión de músico, #1: Informate bien para cuidarte bien Nora KrohnOctober 22, 2021 Comment